- Jane and Ace Goodman started on radio
around 1930 in Kansas City over KMBC and were heard locally through 1932. They began their network radio careers on CBS when they were
sponsored by Lavoris three times a week from 03/01/32 until 05/30/33.
Their sponsorship changed to Jad Salts, still over CBS, beginning
10/10/33. They were heard
four times a week until 04/27/34, then three times a week from 05/02/34 to
12/14/34. They then started a
very short run from 01/07/35 to 01/31/35 four times a week.
Beginning 02/04/35 they moved to the NBC and were sponsored by
Anacin three times a week until 05/29/35.
From 06/04/35 until 10/22/42 they were heard 3 times a week for
Anacin over the Blue network. Their finally network jump put them back on CBS starting
10/28/42 three times a week until 11/26/43 for Anacin.
The programs format changed from the 15 minute shows to once a week
30 minute programs from 12/01/43 until they finished their network run on
01/17/45 for Anacin. The
program was then heard in syndication from 1945 to 1946 as a 5 times a
week, 15 minute show. Discover
why Jane was considered radio's mistress of misinformation.
- C01803 # 1 Jane Talks About A Book
# 2 Jane Buys Johnny Two Suits
# 3 Johnny Argues With Ace About A Job
# 4 Johnny Will Work In Evertt's Store
- C01804 # 5 Johnny Starts Work In Store
- #
6 What Is Johnny Doing At Night
# 7 Plans To Catch A Gang Stealing Furs
# 8 Jane & Alice Tip Off The Thieves
- C01805 # 9 Jane Selling Evertt Some Land
# 10 Neff Tries To Tell Jane About The Land
- #
11 Ace & Jane Argue About The Phone
# 12 Jane Talks About Buying Land
- C01806 # 13 Talk About The Price Of The Land
# 14 Evertt Talks With Ace About The Land
# 15 Ace Is Surprised About Jane & Neff
- #
16 Evertt Buys The Land From Ace
- C01807 # 17 Ace Can't Get His Regular Lawyer
# 18 Neff Can't Get His Lawyer
# 19 Jane Worries About Clothes For Court
# 20 Jane Offers Neff's Lawyer Ace's Suits
- C01808 # 21 Neff's Lawyer, Borrows Pearl
Gray Vest
# 22 Ace's Lawyer Talks About Questions
# 23 Johnson Learns Jane's Questions
# 24 Neff & Ace Settle Out Of Court
- C01809 # 25 Ace Wants $5,000.
Jane Gets $10,000
- #
26 Jane Talks Ace Into Buying A Fur Coat
# 27 Ace Learns That Johnson Has His Suit
# 28 Jane Starts To Learn To Play Bridge
- C01810 # 29 Jane Takes Her Third Lesson Of
# 30 Jane Starts Playing Bridge
# 31 A Little Boy Hides At The Aces
# 32 Ace Finds Out About The Boy
- C01811 # 33 Jane Wants To Adopt A Little Boy
# 38 Jane Brings Home 20 Year Old To Adopt
# 39 Kookie Might Be A Good Prize Fighter
# 40 A Friend Gets A Fight For Kookie
- C01812 # 41 Jane Helps With Kookie's First
# 42 (MISSING)
# 43 Kookie Is Set Up For A Knock Out
# 44 $1,000 For Kookie To Throw The Fight
- C01813 # 45 Kookie Wins, Ace Finds Out About
# 46 Ace Works Late
# 47 Jane To Find Out What Ace Is Doing
# 48 Ace Agrees To Help His Artist Sister
- C01814 # 49 Ace Tells Marge About His
# 50 Jane Tries To Make Ace Jealous
# 51 Jane Has An "Old Boy Friend" Show Up
# 52 Ace Gets His Portrait Completed
- C01815 # 53 Jane Meets "The Other
# 54 Jane Has A New Next Door Neighbor
# 55 Jane Has New Name For Movie Career
# 56 Director Lorentz Starts Re-Writing Part
- C01816 # 57 Neal Thinks Jane Wanted For
# 58 Lorentz Talks With Marge About Movie
# 59 Jane Has A Screen Test For The Movie
# 60 Lorentz & Marge Are Getting To Friendly
- C01817 # 61 Marge & Jane Have A Fight
And Split Up
# 62 Lorentz Talks Marge Into Coming Back
# 63 Jane & Marge Are Talking
# 64 Lorentz & Betty Are Married
- C01818 # 65 There Is A
Shooting At The Aces
- # 66
Jane Talks The Newspapers
- # 67
Neal Has An Idea That Saves The Day
- # 68
Police Talk To Jane
- C01819 # 69 Lorentz Says Goodbye To Marge
# 70 Jane Wants Marge To Marry Neal
- #
71 Ace & Jane Play Matchmaker
# 72 Mrs. Williams Helps Neff After Dinner
- C01820 # 73 Neff & Mrs. Williams &
# 74 Neff Takes Mrs. Williams Out To Dinner
# 75 Ace Tries To See Neff
- #
76 Neal Runs Story In The Paper About Neff
- C01821 # 77 Neal Works Out A Deal With Neff
For Ace
# 78 Neff Signs A Real Estate Deal With Ace
# 79 Ace Puts Jane On A Budget
# 80 Jane Takes Charge Of Household Expenses
- C01822 # 81 Jane Tries To Run A Household
# 82 Jane Explains Her New Budget To Ace
# 83 Aces Cook Is Feeding Her Boyfriend
# 84 Aces Meet Harry, Laura's Boyfriend
- C01823 # 85 Jane Proves Harry Only Wants
# 86 Jane And Bank Loan To Balance Budget
# 87 02/10/46. Jane & Ace Try For Bank Loan
(This Episode Has Rinso & Lipton Tea Commercials)(MUTUAL)
# 88 Jane And Ace Get Each Others Signatures
- C01824 # 89 Marge Will Sign Jane's Loan
# 90 Jane Asks Neff To Sign Her Loan
# 91 Neff Learns About Ace's Finances
# 92 Ace Tries To Show He Doesn't Need Money
- C01825 # 93 Opening A Checking Account
- #
94 Jane Opens A Checking Account
# 95 Jane And Problems With Checking Account
# 96 All Of Jane's Checks Bounce
- C01826 # 97 Jane Hides Movie Star Joyce
# 98 Making Marge Jealous With Joyce
- #
99 Joyce Tells About Janes Plans
#100 Jane's Plans Backfire On Her
- C01827 #101 Joyce Gets Phone Call For
#102 Jane Starts A Newspaper Career
#103 Jane Goes Down To The Newspaper Office
- #104
Getting Marge & Ace To Believe Her
- C01828 #105 Jane Starts To Climb The Social
#106 Jane Tries To Learn Some French
#107 A $5,000 Bracelet Is Missing
#108 Getting Maid To Speak French
- (90 Minute Tape)
- C08339 #111 Investigator Collins Thinks He
Has Solved The Problem
#112 Collins Tells Jane He Wants The Bracelet
#113 Jane & Laura Try To Retrace Their Steps
#114 Jane Tells Collins To Search Their Home
- #115
Collins Finds The Bracelet
#116 The Marsh's Apologize To The Ace's
- C01830 #117 Ace Has A Chance For A Big Deal
#118 Ace Talks With Jane About The Deal
#119 Jane Is In Charge Of Publicity
#120 Jane Places An Ad Against Ace
- C01831 #121 City Decides Against The Deal Of
#122 Ace Loses His Real Estate Business
#123 Jane Finds $150 Error In Her Check Book
#124 Ace Tells Jane About Losing His Money
- C01832 #125 Jane Tries To Find A Job For Her
#126 Jane, Looking For An Apartment
#127 Jane Tries To Let Her Maid Go
#128 Ace & Jane Move Into Their Apartment
- C01833 #129 Ace Learns About His New
Newspaper Job
#130 Jane Gets Mickey & Betty Together
#131 Jane Has Problems With Betty
#132 Marge And Neal Fight About Betty
- C01834 #133 Betty Is Still With Neal
#134 Betty Has Problems With Cokey
- #135
Marsh Offers Ace A Deal
#136 Ace Tells About Their Trip To Arizona
- C01835 #137 Ace Gets Ready To Go To Arizona
#138 Betty & Cokey Find A Note From Marge
#139 Neal To Investigate The Note
#140 Is Marsh Is Into An Illegal Land Deal
- C01836 #141 City Files Missing On Marsh (No
#142 Neal Wants To Hire A Safe Cracker
#143 Marsh Hears About Neal's Investigation
#144 Neal Talks With His Investigator
- C01837 #145 Neal Takes His Proof To His
#146 Neal Cleans Out His Desk
#147 Neal Loses His Evidence
#148 Getting House Ready For Jane
- C01838 #149 Trouble Moving Items To House
#150 Ace Has Jane Taken For Ride
#151 Surprise Party Makes Jane Feel Better
#152 Ace Tells Jane How He Got Money Back
- C01839 #153 Cokey & Betty Want To Get
#154 Betty Argues About Cokey
#155 Jane Helps Betty Plan An Elopement
#156 Cokey Isn't Seeing Betty
- C01840 #157 Cokey Decides Not To Marry
#158 Cokey Wants To Marry
#159 Janes Sees An Ad Ace Put In The Paper
#160 Ace Gets Jane Answer To The Ad
- C01841 #161 Jane & Ace Find Out About
Each Other
#162 Jane & Ace Talk About A Beauty Shop
#163 Jane Goes To The Beauty Shop
#164 Ace Decides Not To Buy Beauty Shop
- C01842 #165 Jane Listens To A Radio Quiz
- #166
Jane Gets Ready For Radio Quiz Show
#167 Jane On The Radio Show
#168 Jane Inherits $1,800
- C01843 #169 Jane Gets Betty To Quit Her Job
#170 Ace Starts His First Real Estate Deal
#171 Neff Tries To Calm Mr. Thompson
#172 Jane Gets Ready To Play Part
- C01844 #173 Jane Plays Her Part Too Good
#174 Jane Worries About Ace Working Late
#175 Ace Is Trying To Sell Farm
#176 Jane Talks To Her Lawyer
- C01845 #177 Marge Gets Ace's Story
#178 Jane Thinks Ace Wants To Get Rid Of Her
#179 Jane Has Left Ace Using Her Maiden Name
#180 Ace Sells Farm Wants Jane Back
- C01846 #181 Jane Wants Ace Back
#182 Mrs. Adams Meets Jane
#183 Jane Has Trouble With Her Maid
#184 Laura Tries To Bluff Ace
- C01847 #185 Laura Gets Her Pay Raise
#186 Jane Gets A Letter From Her Sister
#187 Who Is Betty Seeing
- #188
- C01848 #189 Jane Writes A Letter To Her
#190 Finding Out About Betty's Boyfriend
#191 Betty's Boyfriend In Trouble With Ace
#192 Jane Talk's To Mr. Page
- C01849 #193 Neff's Nephew Would Be Good For
#194 Jane Gives A Dinner For Nephew & Betty
#195 Betty Tells Off Everyone
#196 Trying To Get Carl & Betty Together
- C01850 #197 Carl & Betty End Up Fighting
#198 Carl & Betty Make Up
#199 Neff Is Upset With Carl
#200 Carl Ask Betty To Marry Him
- C01851 #201 Jane Tries To Talk To Neff
#202 Carl Stops Neff From Break Up With Ace
#203 Neff Is Impressed With Carl
#204 Neff Tries To Buy Betty Off
- C01852 #205 Jane Takes A Check For $5,000
From Neff
#206 Jane Gets Another Chance
#207 Jane Tricks Neff
#208 Carl & Betty On Honeymoon
- C01853 #209 Jane Visits The Orphanage
- #210
Jane Tries To Plan The Party
#211 Letter From The Orphanage
#212 Getting Evidence On The Orphanage
- C01854 #213 Ace & Jane Find Mrs. Duffy
#214 Jane Wants To Manage An Orphan
#215 Jane Gets Johnny Ready For An Audition
#216 Johnny Has Audition
- C01855 #217 Jane Picks A Good Name For
#218 Johnny Is Cut From Spot On The Radio
#219 Johnny Has His Start On The Radio
#220 Carl & Betty Break Up After Honeymoon
- C01856 #221 Betty Tells Jane About Her
#222 Talking About Carl & Betty
#223 Betty To Try And Make Up
#224 Betty & Carl Get Together
- C01857 #225 Jane & Ace Plan A Fight
- #226
Jane & Ace Get Betty & Carl Together
#227 Carl & Betty Are Happy
#228 Jane Sells Tickets For A Charity Play
- C01858 #229 Jane To Sell 50 Tickets. (No
#230 Ace Helps Jane Sell Some Tickets
- #231
Jane Is Given A Part In The Play
#232 Jane Explains Her Part To Marge & Ace
- C01859 #233 Jane Studies Her Part
#234 Jane Owes Money For The 50 Tickets
#235 Phone Calls Interrupts Rehearsals
#236 No Longer Having To Sell The Tickets
- C01860 #237 A Chance At A Major Part
#238 Gun Shots And Husband & Wife Fight
#239 Irene Lewis Is Hurt Slightly
#240 Jane, Irene's Understudy
- C01861 #241 Jane Happy About Notices In The
#242 (MISSING) Jane Gets An Offer
#243 Trying To Piece Together Telegrams
#244 Jane Wants Ace To Go See A Doctor
- C01862 #245 Johnny Wants To Sell Ace
#246 Johnny Tries To Explain Insurance
#247 Jane Talks To A Doctor About Ace
#248 Keeping Ace's Mind Off His Heart
- C01863 #249 Teaching Jane Some Signals For
#250 Jane Starts To Take Some Bridge Lessons
#251 Jane Improves Her Bridge Game
#252 Neff Wants Jane For A Bridge Partner
- C01864 #253 Jane's Instructor Shows How Not
To Play
#254 Jane Is Used As A Bad Example
#255 Ace Learns About Jane's Playing
#256 Students Ask Jane A Lot Of Questions
- C01865 #257 Jane Tells How Well She's Doing
#258 Mr. Jackson To Sign Jane To Contract
#259 Jane Talks About The Contract
#260 Interview With "Mrs. Average Player"
- C01866 #261 Everyone Is Getting Mad At Jane
#262 Jackson Is Fired As Apartment Manager
#263 Jane Talks With Ace About Office Space
#264 Talking About New Bridge Business
- C01867 #265 Talk Of Setting Up Their Player
- #266
Ace Calls Jane As A Joke For 5 Players
#267 Jane Hires A Man To Be A Bridge Player
#268 Michael Is A Professional Card Dealer
- C01868 #269 The First Day Of Business
#270 Bridge Partners Are Wanted
Customer Thinks Service Is A Racket
#272 Marge Quits Her Job
- C01869 #273 Jane Thinks That She Is Being
Left Out
#274 Jane, As A Silent Partner
#275 Jane Meets Her New Neighbors
#276 Jane Is Taking Lessons On Managing
- C01870 #277 Jane Gets An Idea About Helping
#278 Jane Learns How To Be A Big Help
#279 Jane Flatters One Of Ace's Customers
#280 Jane Softens Up A Very Hard Customer
- C01871 #281 Hard Time Getting A Signature
#282 Jane Gets A Signature On A Contract
#283 Mr. Fredric's Talks With Ace About Jane
#284 Baxter Fredric Talks About Jane
- C01872 #285 Marge, Ace & Baxter try Plan
On Jane
- #286
Ethel Thinks Baxter & Marge Together
#287 Catching Ethel's Husband With A Woman
#288 Ethel Is Responsible For Losing A Deal