Radio Memories



     Originally syndicated by American Gold Seal Productions and heard over the World Broadcasting System beginning on 09/12/32.  Many authorities regard this as the first major syndicated radio series.  The story line tends to follow the story line of Edgar Rice Burroughs' initial 1914 novel of the same title, and continued for 286 episodes and ended on 03/10/34.  One of the screens first Tarzans, James H. Pierce, played the son of the jungle, raised by Kala, a young female ape.  Joanne Burroughs, Pierce's wife and the author's daughter, starred as Jane Porter.  Jane's father, Professor Porter, Samuel T. Philander, the professor's assistant; Cecil Clayton (actually Tarzan's cousin); and French Lt. D'Arnot all share in the exciting adventures.  Gale Gordon starred as Cecil Clayton, Cy Kendall as Captain Tracy, Jeanette Nolan as Princess La of Opar and Frank Nelson is heard as Nikolas Rokoff.
C04459 09/12/32 # 1 Tarzan's First Birthday
              09/14/32 # 2 Apes Slay Parents, Kala Takes Tarzan
              09/16/32 # 3 Young Tarzan Examines Hut
              09/19/32 # 4 Mutiny On Ship
C04460 09/21/32 # 5 Tarzan Sees White People For The First Time
              09/23/32 # 6 Tarzan Rescues Capt. Tracy
              09/26/32 # 7 Tarzan Saves Capt. From Lion
              09/28/32 # 8 Jane And Other Prisoners On Ship
C04461 09/30/32 # 9 Capt. Rescued From Quicksand
              10/03/32 #10 Escape From Ship
              10/05/32 #11 Escapees Find Tarzan's Hut
              10/07/32 #12 Mutineers Find Buried Treasure
C04462 10/10/32 #13 Tarzan Reburies Treasure
              10/12/32 #14 Tarzan Saves Prof. And Philander From Lion
              10/14/32 #15 Clayton Searches For Prof. And Gets Lost
              10/17/32 #16 Tarzan Saves Clayton
C04463 10/19/32 #17 Tarzan Saves Jane From Lion
              10/21/32 #18 Tarzan Takes Jane's Letter
              10/24/32 #19 Tarzan Saves Clayton, Kills Boar
              10/26/32 #20 Ape Carries Jane Into Trees
C04464 10/28/32 #21 Tarzan Rescues Jane From Ape
              10/31/32 #22 French Cruiser Ship Sighted
              11/02/32 #23 French Troops Come Ashore
              11/04/32 #24 French Help Search For Jane
C04465 11/07/32 #25 Clayton Thinks Tarzan Kidnapped Jane
              11/09/32 #26 Searchers Think Cannibals Captured Jane
              11/11/32 #27 The Ship Departs
              11/14/32 #28 Searchers Attacked By Cannibals
C04466 11/16/32 #29 Cannibals Capture Philander
              11/18/32 #30 Tarzan Rescues Philander
              11/21/32 #31 Jane Hears Voices Of Search Party
              11/23/32 #32 Search Party Trapped In Cannibal's Village
C04467 11/25/32 #33 Cannibal Sees Tarzan And Jane
              11/28/32 #34 Witch Doctor Prepares Sacrifice Of Searchers
              11/30/32 #35 Jane Captured, Saved By Tarzan
              12/02/32 #36 Search Party Attempts Escape
C04468 12/05/32 #37 Prof. Released From Stake, Second Escape Attempt
              12/07/32 #38 Tricks Scare Cannibals
              12/09/32 #39 Tarzan Saves Jane From Leopard
              12/12/32 #40 Rocket Trick, Poison Drink
C04469 12/14/32 #41 Prof. Outwits Witch Doctor
              12/16/32 #42 Jane Shoots Snake
              12/19/32 #43 Searchers Trapped In Taboo Cave
              12/21/32 #44 Tarzan And Jane Captured; Searchers Escape From Cave
C04470 12/23/32 #45 Searchers Reunite With Tarzan And Jane
              12/26/32 #46 Tarzan And Jane Escape
              12/28/32 #47 Cannibals Think Captives Created Needed Rain
              12/30/32 #48 Chief Frees Captives
C04471 01/02/33 #49 Greystroke Locket; Crocodile Attack
              01/04/33 #50 Rescuers Tricked; Enter Taboo Cave
              01/06/33 #51 Cave Secret Exit Is Blocked
              01/09/33 #52 Huge Rock Blocks Cave Entrance
C04472 01/11/33 #53 Jane Shoots Cannibal
              01/13/33 #54 Witch Doctor Escapes From Cave
              01/16/33 #55 Tarzan And Jane Use Dynamite
              01/18/33 #56 Tarzan Gets Searchers Out Of Cave
C04473 01/20/33 #57 Battle With Cannibals
              01/23/33 #58 Escape Through Lions' Den
              01/25/33 #59 Prof. Porter Collapses
              01/27/33 #60 Jealous Clayton Tries To Kill Tarzan
C04474 01/30/33 #61 Mutineers Return For Treasure
              02/01/33 #62 Mutineers Capture Jane
              02/03/33 #63 Clayton And Lt. D'Arnot Rescue Jane
              02/06/33 #64 Jane Recaptured By Mutineers
C04475 02/08/33 #65 Tarzan Searches For Jane
              02/10/33 #66 Jane Taken To Ship
              02/13/33 #67 Tarzan Joins Jane On Ship
              02/15/33 #68 Tarzan Causes Ship Wreck
C04476 02/17/33 #69 Tarzan And Jane Help Capt. Tracy
              02/20/33 #70 Tarzan And Jane Swim To Shore
              02/22/33 #71 Prof. And Others On Reef
              02/24/33 #72 Forced To Dig For Treasure
(90 Minute Tape)
C04477 02/27/33 #73 Dum-Dum Ceremony; Elephant Stampede
              03/01/33 #74 Lt. D'Arnot Escapes
              03/03/33 #75 Tarzan Captures Some Mutineers
              03/06/33 #76 Escape From Mutineers
              03/08/33 #77 Boat In Stream, Natives Appear