![Radio Memories](RadMem.jpg)
A series of children Uncle Remus programs
as told BY Jimmy Scribner. Each
of the programs are approximately 7 minutes long.
C09127 Audition - Brer Rabbit Learns A
Lesson (15:00)
Audition - Brer Fox And His Christmas Hate (15:00)
# 1 Brer Fox And The Carrot Trap
# 2 Brer Spider's Wedding Day
# 3 Brer Snake's Snakiness
# 4 Brer Fox Tries To Make Friends
C09128 # 5 Brer English Foxhound's Litter
# 6 Brer Fox And The Tornado
# 7 Brer Porcupine Finds A Soft Spot
8 Brer Fox And The Rainbow
# 9 Brer Spider And The Rain Frog
#10 Brer Rabbit's Music Lesson
#11 Brer Fox And The Wreath Of Flowers
#12 Brer Fox Decides To Live
C09129 #13 Brer Rabbit's Wood Chopping
#14 Brer Spider And The Rubber Glove
#15 Brer Spider And The Carnival
Brer Bear Has A Guest
#17 Brer Rabbit's Roses
#18 Brer Fox And The Sheep Skin
#19 Brer Fox And The Vegetable Garden
#20 Brer Spider And Election Day
C09130 #21 Brer Fox And The Pumpkin
#22 Brer Fox And The Gold Mine
#23 Brer Fox And The Turtle Eggs
Brer Fox And The Sister Bear
#25 Brer Snake And The Rock Pile
Brer Fox And The Bad Winter
#27 Willie The Alligator
#28 Brer Spider And The Electric Plug
C09131 #29 Brer Fox's Friendship
#30 Brer Snake Misses A Trip
#31 Brer Fox And Brer Bat
The Whale And The Swordfish
#33 Brer Snake Finds A Looking Glass
#34 Rabbit Stew Or Your Life
#35 Brer Spider And The Beetle
#36 Brer Fox And The Dog Pound
C09132 #37 Brer Turtle Offers A Prize
Brer Snake's Friendship
#39 Brer Snake's Mistake
Brer Fox And The Stuffed Rabbit
#41 Brer Fox And Lillian Longears
#42 Brer Fox Fixes To Land Brer Beaver
#43 Brer Spider And The Wooden Match
#44 Brer Fox And The Oyster