Radio Memories



     This second syndicated series from the 1930's, has Jerry Dugan leaving the circus for Fair Oaks, a school that his uncle and circus owner Sam Randall has decided would be better than circus life for Jerry.  Each episode is 15 minutes in length.
C01253 # 1 Roommate Assigned
              # 2 Meeting Red, Tubby And Harold
              # 3 Learning About Demerits
              # 4 Meeting Ted And William
C01254 # 5 Red Gets 13 Demerits
              # 6 Ready For Polo Team Tryout
              # 7 Tryout Against Two Others
              # 8 Three Way Tie, Cards Drawn
C01255 # 9 Financing An Invention
              #10 Harold Almost Drowns
              #11 Runaway Horse Stopped
              #12 $250.00 Turned Down
C01256 #13 Invention Was Too Late
              #14 Jerry To Paint Smokestack
              #15 Jerry Gets Caught
              #16 Cleaning Paint
C01257 #17 Top Of The List
              #18 Splendor
              #19 Paul Rides Splendor
              #20 Saddle Loosened
C01258 #21 Court Martial
              #22 Hopeless Case
              #23 Jerry Found Innocent
              #24 Bomber Crash
C01259 #25 Harold Leaves
              #26 Treasure Hunt Planned
              #27 Treasure Hunt Begins
              #28 Someone Falls In Hole
C01260 #29 Getting Help
              #30 Red Is Rescued
              #31 Red Is Recovering
              #32 Boat To The Island
C01261 #33 Seeing Smoke
              #34 Plot For Safety
              #35 Guy Linwell Arrives
              #36 Suspicious Of Man
C01262 #37 Yorga Wants Secrets
              #38 Letter Taken
              #39 Harold Disappears
              #40 Yorga Spotted
C01263 #41 Traced To Farm House
              #42 All Are Arrested
              #43 Guy Will Teach
              #44 Bruce Campbell Arrives
C01264 #45 Pony And Polo Interest
              #46 Red Talks With Sergeant Alden
              #47 Mr. X Arrives At Fair Oaks
              #48 Jerry And Lee Meet Mr. X
C01265 #49 Splendor Is Sick
              #50 Mr. Randall & Bumps Come To See The Meet
              #51 Lee And Tubby Fight With Red Before Meet
              #52 The Meet
C01266 #53 Celebrating Victory
              #54 Punishment For Fighting With Red
              #55 Bruce And Jerry Argue
              #56 Mrs. Gardner Enters The Disagreement
C01267 #57 Disagreement With Bruce Appears To Be Settled
              #58 Practice Basketball Game
              #59 Friends With Bruce
              #60 Lee Talks With Major Davis
(90 Minute Cassette)
C01268 #61 Jerry Plans To Help Lee
              #62 Lee And Bruce Invited To Spend Break At The Circus
              #63 Mr. Thorpe Under Suspicion
              #64 Dinner With Mr. Randall
              #65 Corporal Jerry Dougan
                      (End Of The Series)