Radio Memories



     First heard over CBS on radio station WBBM, Chicago, beginning 07/31/33, it aired 6 times a week (Monday - Saturday) until 11/05/34 and then followed a weekday schedule until 04/24/36.  The series then moved to NBC on 08/31/36 and continued until 09/26/41.  From 09/29/41 to 07/03/42 the Mutual listeners heard this series as a weekday program.  The move to Blue/ABC happened on 08/31/42 and continued until 08/29/47 five times a week.  Finally, a format change to 30 minute programs with complete story lines and heard over ABC from 09/01/47 to 06/01/50 on a staggered broadcast schedule with Sky King.  One week a Monday-Wednesday-Friday and the next week as a Tuesday-Thursday schedule.  Wheaties was the sole sponsor from the very beginning.  Finally, from 09/05/50 until 06/28/51, twice a week Jack was heard on Armstrong Of
The SBI.  Jim Ameche was Jack Armstrong from 1933 to 1938, followed by Stanley Harris (1938), Frank Behrens (1939), Charles Flynn (1939 - 1943 and 1944 - 1951), Rye Billsbury (1943 - 1944).
(90 Minute Tape)
C06576 01/01/34 # 133 The Pelican On Fire
              01/02/34 # 134 Line To The Pelican
              01/03/34 # 135 Tied Together
              01/04/34 # 136 Jack Rescued Flight To Easter Island
              09/27/40 #1515 Last Episode Easter Island
C06577 The Luminous Dragon Eye Ring Series
              09/30/40 #1516 Stranger Captured
              10/01/40 #1517 Trailing The Stranger
              10/02/40 #1518 The White Sultan
              10/03/40 #1519 Underground Lab
C06578 10/07/40 #1521 Planning Pacific Sea Voyage
              10/08/40 #1522 Stranger Aboard Spindrift
              10/09/40 #1523 Waiting For Philippine Ring
              10/10/40 #1524 Picking Up The Ring
C06579 10/11/40 #1525 Hearing Prowler Aboard Ship
              10/14/40 #1526 Prowler Is Blackbeard
              10/17/40 #1529 Ring Missing
              10/18/40 #1530 Spindrift On Fire
C06580 10/28/40 #1536 Moro Saved At Sea
              10/29/40 #1537 Ring Recognized
              11/04/40 #1541 Ring Saves Jack
              11/05/40 #1542 Riding Out Storm
C06581 11/08/40 #1545 Treed By Bull
              11/13/40 #1548 Ring Stops Attack
              11/14/40 #1549 War Of Nerves
              11/15/40 #1550 Movies Scare Natives
C06582 11/18/40 #1551 Black Shark Spotted
              11/19/40 #1552 Boarding Black Shark
              11/20/40 #1553 Lured Off Black Shark
              11/21/40 #1554 To Meet In Philippine Restaurant
(90 Minute Tape)
C06583 11/22/40 #1555 Hang Out For Dr. Shupato
              11/25/40 #1556 Spindrift Looted
              11/26/40 #1557 Ring Radiation Detector
              11/27/40 #1558 Trying To Get The Ring Back
              11/28/40 #1559 Shupato's Henchmen Grateful
              11/29/40 #1560 Escaping From Dr. Shupato
C06584 The Country Of The Head Hunters Series
              12/02/40 #1561 Pursued Into The Jungle
              12/03/40 #1562 Shupato Stuck In Mud
              12/04/40 #1563 The Land Of The Headhunters
              12/05/40 #1564 Native Freed From Slide
C06585 12/06/40 #1565 Negrito's Will Help
              12/09/40 #1566 Ring & Chart Lost
              12/10/40 #1567 Blackbeard Tries For Chart & Ring
              12/11/40 #1568 Race For Chart & Ring
C06586 12/12/40 #1569 Hold Up In Old Gold Mine
              12/13/40 #1570 Possessions Taken Back
              12/16/40 #1571 Stalking In Mine
              12/17/40 #1572 Missing Professor Loring
C06587 12/18/40 #1573 Cave Of The Mummies
              12/19/40 #1574 Trapped In The Cave
              12/20/40 #1575 Saved By Constabulary
C06588 The Adventure Of The Sunken Reef Series
              12/23/40 #1576 Tropical Storm Brewing
              12/24/40 #1577 Stalled In Typhoon
              12/25/40 #1578 Spindrift Stalked By The Black Shark
              12/26/40 #1579 Riding Out Typhoon
(90 Minute Tape)
C06589 12/27/40 #1580 The Spindrift's Sail Is Destroyed
              12/30/40 #1581 Submerged Reef
              12/31/40 #1582 Diving For Yacht And U-235
              01/01/41 #1583 U-235 In Sunken Vessel
              01/02/41 #1584 Trapped By Shark And Bringing Up U-235
              01/03/41 #1585 Tricking Shupato
C06590 The Zambo Anga Adventure Series
              01/06/41 #1586 Native Wearing Dr. Loring's Watch
              01/07/41 #1587 Captures Native With Watch
              01/08/41 #1588 Leaves U-235 At Army Post
              01/09/41 #1589 Trader Yates Curious And Tries To Search Spindrift
C06591 01/10/41 #1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped And Rescued
              01/13/41 #1591 Journey Up The Jungle Trail
              01/14/41 #1592 Seeking Professor Loring
              01/15/41 #1593 Jack's Pedometer
C06592 01/16/41 #1594 Chieftain And Magical Talking Horse
              01/17/41 #1595 Mauro Peddler Friend
              01/20/41 #1596 Wading River
              01/21/41 #1597 Pursued Up River
C06593 01/22/41 #1598 Pedometer Lost
              01/23/41 #1599 Attacked By A Tamarou
              01/24/41 #1600 Cave Of Rifles
              01/27/41 #1601 Imitating Monkeys
C06594 01/28/41 #1602 Cave Of Rifles
              01/29/41 #1603 Down Cliff By Rope
              01/30/41 #1604 Leading Mauro Into A Trap
              01/31/41 #1605 Give Pedometer to Native
C06595 02/03/41 #1606 Trapped In A Cave
              02/04/41 #1607 Tricking The Enemy
              02/05/41 #1608 Lt. Rawlings Found
              02/06/41 #1609 Trapped By Kanga's Tribesmen
C06596 Professor Loring Missing Series
              03/05/41 #1628 To Return In Auto-Gyro
              03/06/41 #1629 Frightened By Auto-Gyro
              03/07/41 #1630 Pagans Hold Prof. Loring
              03/10/41 #1631 Stones And Flaming Arrows
(90 Minute Tape)
C06597 03/11/41 #1632 Plan To Confront Medicine Man
              03/12/41 #1633 Jack Has Plan
              03/13/41 #1634 Great God, Kulana, Speaks
              03/14/41 #1635 Medicine Man Finds Radio
              03/17/41 #1636 Trailing The Chief
              03/18/41 #1637 Professor Loring Found In Cave Temple
C06598 05/16/41 Underground River & The Cave Of The Fiery Crocodile
              10/06/41 Secret Of The Yucatan Jungle
              04/20/42 Land Of The Sky Adventure, Cave Of The Glacier
              04/21/42 Land Of The Sky Adventure, Cave Of The Glacier
C16551 00/00/41 The Dragon Men
             04/20/42 The Land of Sky
             04/21/42 Cave Of the Glacier
             05/06/42 Lost Inca City
C16552 10/20/42 Atomic Engine
              01/22/43 Great Safari
              05/06/43 Ship Of Forgotten Men
              06/04/43 In Morocco
C16553 01/17/44 In South America
              01/25/44 In South America
              01/26/44 In South America
              01/27/44 Diamond Thieves
C16554 02/02/44 Diamond Thieves
              08/16/44 Stolen Schooner
              08/00/44 Waterspouts
              10/19/44 The Flying Tiger
C16555 08/07/45 Black Vulture
              08/20/45 Black Vulture
              09/24/45 Swindle Of GI Joe
              11/09/45 Swindle Of GI Joe
C16556 02/05/46 Man Of Ice
              02/06/46 Man Of Ice
              09/19/46 The Mystery Of Devil's Castle
C16557 07/14/47 Phantom Of Sawdust Trail
              07/23/47 Sawdust Trail
              07/31/47 Sawdust Trail
              08/22/50 Last Show On ABC
C16558 03/11/48 Clear the Tracks
              ARMSTRONG OF THE SBI
                 Deadliest of Species