Radio Memories



     One of the better known juvenile aviation programs during the war years.  Beginning 08/31/42 on the Blue/ABC network, the series lasted until 08/02/46.  Sponsorship was by Grape Nuts Flakes from 1944 to 1946.  The final series moved over to MUTUAL beginning on 02/06/48 and the final broadcast on 02/06/48.  Chester Stratton played the title role of "America's ace of the airways."  The supporting cast credits are first Ken Lynch and later Jackson Beck as Hop's friend, Tank Tinker.  Mitzi Gould was heard as Hop's girlfriend Gail Nolan.  Each program is 15 minutes in length.
C00672 09/17/42 Island Escape
              10/08/42 The Aerial Cannon
              10/09/42 Moving And Disappearing Houses
              11/24/42 Meeting In A Red Barn
C00673 12/09/42 The Nazi Bribe
              02/01/43 Cargo Planes Crash
              02/18/43 Hop & Tank Trapped In Mine Shaft
              06/07/43 Hospital Attack
C00674 01/18/44 The Gray Ghosts
              01/24/44 Stolen Patrol Car
              01/25/44 Tank's Medical Operation
              02/02/44 In Berlin
C00675 02/07/44 The Berlin Adventure
              10/04/44 Mission Over Germany
              11/07/44 Shot Down By The R.A.F.
              11/09/44 Zaltsmare
C00676 12/25/44 Bailed Out Over Austrian Alps
              04/24/45 Heading For Okinawa
              04/25/45 Captured By The Japs
              09/00/45 Renagade Nazi's
C00677 11/08/45 Prisoner In Nazi Camp In Mongolia
              12/14/45 Buzzed By Airplane
              12/17/45 Night Takeoff
              12/19/45 Wreckage Disappears
C00678 03/29/46 Fire Set
              04/08/46 To Transport Circus Buy Air
              07/01/46 Dropping Atom Bomb On Bikini Island
              03/07/47 Escaping From Jungle Island
C00679 03/27/47 Mystery Of The Duck's Nest, Part 4  Plane On Fire
              07/07/47 #1241 MYSTERY OF THE VANISHING MEN
                                           Black Plaster Hand Arrives
              07/08/47 #1242 Bill King Arrives
              07/09/47 #1243 Follows Stranger To Nolan House
C00680 07/10/47 #1244 Tank Missing
              07/11/47 #1245 Tank Found
              07/14/47 #1246 Asked To Return The Following Night
              07/15/47 #1247 Tank In Disappearing Act
C00681 07/16/47 #1248 Tank Heard But Not Found
              07/17/47 #1249 Strange Note
              07/18/47 #1250 Ransom Note
              07/21/47 #1251 Tank Disappears
C00682 07/22/47 #1252 Balloon In Flight
              07/23/47 #1253 Balloon Falls To Earth
              07/24/47 #1254 Tank Disappears From Hospital
              07/25/47 #1255 Third Strange Message
C00683 07/28/47 #1256 Whistling Heard In Fun House
              07/29/47 #1257 Whistling Man In Room
              07/30/47 #1258 Bill King Responsible
              07/31/47 #1259 THE RIDDLE OF THE GHOSTLY AVENGERS
                                           Man Fears Japanese
C00684 08/01/47 #1260 Paul Conroy Arrives
              08/04/47 #1261 Hop & Tank Take Flight
              08/05/47 #1262 Cargo Breaks Loose
              08/06/47 #1263 Hop Told Of Accident
C00685 08/07/47 #1264 Safe Landing
              08/08/47 #1265 Mechanic Dead
              08/11/47 #1266 Hop & Tank Arrested
              08/12/47 #1267 Hop & Tank Released (rehearsal)
C00686 08/12/47 #1267 Hop & Tank Released
              08/13/47 #1268 Plane Crash Likely
              08/14/47 #1269 Cargo Strap Found
              08/15/47 #1270 Japanese Plane Seen
C00687 08/18/47 #1271 Unable To Locate Wreckage
              08/19/47 #1272 Ambushed
              08/20/47 #1273 Ghost Plane Seen
              08/21/47 #1274 Paul Answers Phone
C00688 08/22/47 #1275 Inspector's Request
              08/25/47 #1276 Flying Toward Ghost Plane
              08/26/47 #1277 Craig Guilty
              08/27/47 #1278 THE CHANNEL WING PLANE
                                            Emergency Landing
C00689 08/28/47 #1279 Boy Missing
              08/29/47 #1280 Held At Gunpoint
              09/01/47 #1281 Envelope Contents Important
              09/02/47 #1282 Chris Found
C00690 09/03/47 #1283 Important Papers Missing
              09/04/47 #1284 (MISSING)
              09/05/47 #1285 Gail Kidnapped
              09/08/47 #1286 Hop & Tank Chase LaPanterra
C00691 09/09/47 #1287 Gail's Bracelet Found
              09/10/47 #1288 Police Find Abandoned Car
              09/11/47 #1289 LaPanterra Escapes By Plane
              09/12/47 #1290 Leaving For Abandoned City
C00692 09/15/47 #1291 Soup Drugged
              09/16/47 #1292 Tied Up In Old House
              09/17/47 #1293 Escape - Chris Missing
              09/18/47 #1294 Chris Can't Swim
C00693 09/19/47 #1295 Plane Out Of Control
              09/22/47 #1296 Avoiding The Attack
              09/23/47 #1297 Lost Mayan City Spotted
              09/24/47 #1298 Strange Sound Heard
C00694 09/25/47 #1299 Blood Stained Alter
              09/26/47 #1300 Descending Into Temple - Ghostly Black Cat
              09/26/47 #1300 Magnetic Compass Ring (Special Program - Same as above)
              09/29/47 #1301 The Mural Wall
C00695 09/30/47 #1302 Trying To Break Out
              10/01/47 #1303 LaPanterra Finds City
              10/02/47 #1304 Man With Horns Seen
              10/03/47 #1305 Goat And An Old Man
C00696 10/06/47 #1306 Photographing The Murals
              10/07/47 #1307 LaPanterra Fires On Group
              10/08/47 #1308 Hop Becomes Decoy
              10/09/47 #1309 Pablo Helps
C00697 10/10/47 #1310 Tank Finds Briefcase
              10/13/47 #1311 Escape From Temple
              10/14/47 #1312 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES
                                           Ivanoff Arrives - Leaving For Location
              10/15/47 #1313 Knife Pulled On Tank
C00698 10/16/47 #1314 Tank Wins Fight
              10/17/47 #1315 Dixie's Horse Stolen
              10/20/47 #1316 Note From Kidnapper
              10/21/47 #1317 Joe Bell Tells Tale
C00699 10/22/47 #1318 Hop Accuses Bell Of Lying
              10/23/47 #1319 Ivanoff Obtains A Release
              10/24/47 #1320 Dixie Explains Frame
              10/27/47 #1321 Emergency Landing
C00700 10/28/47 #1322 Taken For A Ride
              10/29/47 #1323 Letter From Dixie
              10/30/47 #1324 Who Wrote The Note?
              10/31/47 #1325 Code Flashed From Ranch House
C00701 11/03/47 #1326 Map Missing
              11/04/47 #1327 Plane Off Course
              11/05/47 #1328 Mountain Lion Fights Sequoia
              11/06/47 #1329 Tank Trails Joe Bell
C00702 11/07/47 #1330 Tank Finds Ranch House
              11/10/47 #1331 Tank Rescues Hop & Dixie From Burning House
              11/11/47 #1332 Aerial Battle
              11/12/47 #1333 Tex Regan At The Bank
C00703 11/13/47 #1334 Showdown With Tex And Joe
              11/14/47 #1335 THE WAILING WITCHES
                                            Mysterious Plane Follows
              11/17/47 #1336 Pilot Murdered By Witch
              11/18/47 #1337 Wailing Witch Heard
C00704 11/19/47 #1338 Trapped In Sealed Room
              11/20/47 #1339 Tank Suspects Mr. Gore
              11/21/47 #1340 Hop In The Test Module
              11/24/47 #1341 Tank Turns Off The Engines
C00705 11/25/47 #1342 Gore's Mechanic Warns Plane Too Advanced
              11/26/47 #1343 Second Warning Of Death
              11/27/47 #1344 Shot Misses Hop
              11/28/47 #1345 Plane Mounts Sabotaged With Acid
C00706 12/01/47 #1346 Following Carla Davis
              12/02/47 #1347 (MISSING)
              12/03/47 #1348 Escape Oily Death
              12/04/47 #1349 Flying Wing Plans Found
C00707 12/05/47 #1350 Plane Crashes
              12/08/47 #1351 Hop Injured
              12/09/47 #1352 Carla Davis Questioned
              12/10/47 #1353 Passes Physical Examination
C00708 12/11/47 #1354 Test Flight
              12/12/47 #1355 Plane Explodes In Mid-air
              12/15/47 #1356 Saunders Dead
              12/16/47 #1357 Everyone Questioned
C00709 12/17/47 #1358 Tank Smells Smoke
              12/18/47 #1359 THE SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL
                                           Saboteur Caught
              12/19/47 #1360 Chris Disappears - Snow Storm
              12/22/47 #1361 Chris Found
C00710 12/23/47 #1362 FBI Interested In Bell
              12/24/47 #1363 Another Bell Malfunction
              12/25/47 #1364 Flying To Flemington, Ohio - Christmas Services
              12/26/47 #1365 Plug Found In Bell
C00711 12/29/47 #1366 Mendez Is Suspect
              12/30/47 #1367 Bell Missing
              12/31/47 #1368 Truck & Crane Missing
              01/01/48 #1369 (MISSING)
C00712 01/02/48 #1370 Unidentified Plane Spotted
              01/05/48 #1371 Note From Chris Found
              01/06/48 #1372 Gail Appears To Cooperate
              01/07/48 #1373 Bell To Be Unloaded From Plane
C00713 01/08/48 #1374 Hop Delayed
              01/09/48 #1375 Gail Seen Trying To Cut Through Bell
              01/12/48 #1376 Mendez Learns Of Chris' Hiding Place
              01/13/48 #1377 Lakeville Bell Made Of Gold
C00714 01/14/48 #1378 Rescue Attempt
              01/15/48 #1379 Mendez & Voegel Captured
              01/16/48 #1380 Mendez Killed
              01/19/48 #1381 Gunfight With Voegel's Men
C00715 01/20/48 #1382 Escape By Air
              01/21/48 #1383 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET
                                           - Plot Against Private Aviation
              01/22/48 #1384 Refused Gas & Oil
              01/23/48 #1385 Refuses To Join Organization
C00716 01/26/48 #1386 Tank Suspicious Of New Student
              01/27/48 #1387 Student Sabotages Plane
              01/28/48 #1388 Mr. Charles Killed
              01/29/48 #1389 Questioned By Police
(90 Minute Tape)
C08335 01/30/48 #1390 Demands To See The Head Of The Organization
              02/02/48 #1391 Ally Found
              02/03/48 #1392 Meets Head Of Organization
              02/04/48 #1393 Refuses To Sign Agreement
              02/05/48 #1394 Dudley Captured
              02/06/48 #1395 Organization Broken Up
                               (End Of The Series)