- C-90
- C18864 09/02/54 # 1 Indian Chief's Son Poisoned
11/28/54 #14 Stage Holdup - Several Shot
11/21/54 #13 Ringo, Gunfighter
- C14458 09/16/54 # 3 The Bell & The Baby
09/30/54 # 5 Col. Crown Is A Mad Man
- C-90
- C18883 10/07/54 # 6 Fred Garth Jailed For
10/14/54 # 7 Horse's Mane Is Murder Clue
12/12/54 #16 Willie Has A Land Deed
- C14459 10/21/54 # 8 The Immigrant Settler
12/19/54 #17 A Pony For Christmas
- C-90
- C18865 10/24/54 # 9 Kill To Stop Family Line
12/05/54 #15 Trouble With First Male Teacher
09/09/54 # 2
Bartender & Project Investment
- C-90
- C18866 10/31/54 #10
No Guns Law
09/23/54 # 4 Choose Between Yom Kippur & Dueling
11/07/54 #11 Old
Man's Atonement For Cowardice