Radio Memories



     One of the longest running juvenile adventure serials on radio, CHANDU, THE MAGICIAN was heard as a local program beginning in 1931 on KHJ in Los Angeles until 1932.  It was then heard, starting in February 1932, over WOR in the East.  Nationally, it aired over MUTUAL starting 10/08/32 with Gayne Whitman in the title role, it was sponsored by White King Soap on the West Coast and Beech Nut on the East Coast.  Howard Hoffman also took over the lead role for a period of time.  Many scripts were later redone in a new series with Tom Collins in the title role beginning 06/28/48 again as a 15 minute program.  This new series lasted 154 episodes ending on 01/28/49.  The following week, on 02/03/49, the broadcasts were expanded to a full 30 minutes each, and each script was a self contained story line instead of a serial, but this time heard over only over the MUTUAL DON LEE network. Starting on 11/19/49 and running until 09/06/50, programs were heard over ABC.
C00365 03/17/32 # 9 Transferred To Egypt
              03/23/32 # 13 The Slave Auction
              04/12/32 # 27 Important Papers Missing
              04/13/32 # 28 Betty & Bob Disappear
C00366 04/20/32 # 33 Abdallah Joins Chandu
              04/21/32 # 34 Held At Gunpoint  (Sound problems)
              05/30/32 # 61 Finds Hidden Passageway
              05/31/32 # 62 Captured By Roxor  (Sound problems)
C00367 09/12/32 #136 Chandu Warns Nicky
              09/13/32 #137 Betty Reminisces
              09/14/32 #138 Gunfire Heard
              09/30/32 #150 Learns Estaben's Identity
C00368 10/03/32 #151 Nadji Disappears
              10/04/32 #152 Dimitri Defeated
              10/05/32 #153 Exposes Count To Nicholas
              10/06/32 #154 Saves Nadji From Fire
C00369 10/07/32 #155 Leaving After The Fire
              10/11/32 #157 Warns Murderer
              10/12/32 #158 Yogi Warns Chandu
              10/13/32 #159 The Clock Strikes Five
C00370 11/08/32 #177 News Of Robert's Whereabouts
              11/16/32 #183 Will Chandu Save Dorothy
              11/17/32 #184 Magic Fails
              11/18/32 #185 Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy
C00371 11/21/32 #186 Cobra Decides Fate
              11/22/32 #187 Bob Plans A Swap
              11/23/32 #188 To The Temple
              11/24/32 #189 Robert Returns
C00372 11/25/32 #190 Finds Betty & Bob
              11/28/32 #191 Dr. Shaw & Black Magic
              11/29/32 #192 Nadji Arrives
              11/30/32 #193 Magic Successful
C00373 01/27/33 #235 In Algiers
              01/30/33 #236 Buying Perfume
              01/31/33 #237 Sees Nicholas
              02/01/33 #238 Warning From Chandu
C00374 02/03/33 #240 Motor Trouble
              02/06/33 #241 Family Reunited
              02/07/33 #242 Betty & Bob Sneak Out
              02/08/33 #243 Tells Story
C00375 02/09/33 #244 Note From Dimitri
              02/10/33 #245 Blank Letter
              02/13/33 #246 At Dimitri's Villa
              02/14/33 #247 Driver Flees
C00376 02/15/33 #248 Nicky's Information
              02/16/33 #249 Crystal Smashed
              02/17/33 #250 Snake Charmer
              02/20/33 #251 Discuss Situation
C00377 02/21/33 #252 Locked In Inner Room
              02/22/33 #253 Chandu Recognized
              02/23/33 #254 Note Found
              04/17/33 #291 Water Supply Low
C00378 04/18/33 #292 Crystal Vision Fulfilled
              04/19/33 #293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect
              04/20/33 #294 Cigarette Poison Discovered
              04/21/33 #295 Vindion Spotted
CHANDU, THE MAGICIAN - Special Collection
  (Audio Problems - Surface Noise)
The 1933 programs, on the following six cassettes, have audio problems.  We have been requested to include them from our customers.  These programs, quality wise, are mainly for the advanced collector of early radio broadcasts.)
C09532 04/24/33 #296 A Man Looks Like Vindion
              04/25/33 #297 Native Tells A Story
              04/26/33 #298 Aboard The Liner
              04/27/33 #299 The Island Of Lura
C09533 05/01/33 #301 At The Entrance Of The Cave
              05/02/33 #302 Drums Underground
              05/03/33 #303 Bob Explores The Cave
              05/04/33 #304 Nadji Gives Chandu A Warning
C09534 05/05/33 #305 Vindion Talks To His People (Several Skips)
              05/08/33 #306 Nadji Is Convinced She Must Stay
              05/09/33 #307 Vindion Forced To Awaked The Children
              05/10/33 #308 Vindion Tries To Stop Chandu
C09535 05/11/33 #309 Bob Finds Poison And A Letter
              05/17/33 #313 Drawings From Limura
              05/23/33 #317 Nadji Is Afraid Of Vitrius
              05/24/33 #318 In Vitrius' Observatory
C09536 05/25/33 #319 Vitrius' Telescope Is A Radio
              05/26/33 #320 Plans To The Ruined Temple
              05/29/33 #321 Vitrius Changes Plans
              05/30/33 #322 Bob & Betty Worried About Their Mother
C09537 05/31/33 #323 The Temple Of Death
              06/01/33 #324 Vitrius Thought Chandler Was Dead
              07/07/33 #350 Mrs. Regis Meets With Mr. Motleon
              08/21/33 #381 Preparing For The Next Trip
     The following episodes are from the 1948 to 1949 serial sponsored by White King Soap.  The entire 154 broadcasts are available here for your enjoyment.  Tom Collins played Frank (Chandu) Chandler in this series.
C00379 06/28/48 # 1 Chandler Returns
              06/29/48 # 2 Secret Papers Missing
              06/30/48 # 3 Is Regent Alive?
              07/01/48 # 4 In Alexandria
C00380 07/02/48 # 5 Dorothy Disappears
              07/05/48 # 6 Search For Dorothy
              07/06/48 # 7 Slave Auction Rescue
              07/07/48 # 8 To Cairo
C00381 07/08/48 # 9 Blue Flame
              07/09/48 # 10 Secret Place
              07/12/48 # 11 Note From Nadji
              07/13/48 # 12 Betty Meets Abdullah
C00382 07/14/48 # 13 Chandu Meets Nadji
              07/15/48 # 14 Betty Is Kidnapped
              07/19/48 # 15 Betty Is Found
              07/20/48 # 16 Roxor Meets Nadji
C00383 07/21/48 # 17 Secret Entrance
              07/22/48 # 18 Spell On Dorothy
              07/23/48 # 19 Crystal Ball
              07/26/48 # 20 Breaking The Spell
C00384 07/27/48 # 21 Betty & Bob Disappear
              07/28/48 # 22 Secret Door
              07/29/48 # 23 Roxor Threatens Death
              07/30/48 # 24 Bob Rescued
C00385 08/02/48 # 25 Abdullah Disappears
              08/03/48 # 26 Emerald Casket
              08/04/48 # 27 Disappearing Ink
              08/05/48 # 28 Looking For Casket
C00386 08/06/48 # 29 Sick Camel
              08/09/48 # 30 Trouble With Guides
              08/10/48 # 31 Low Water Supply
              08/11/48 # 32 Abdullah's Affections
C00387 08/12/48 # 33 Gordon Douglas
              08/13/48 # 34 Douglas' Dinner
              08/16/48 # 35 Douglas Is An Imposter
              08/17/48 # 36 Finding A Letter
C00388 08/18/48 # 37 Nile Cruise
              08/19/48 # 38 Chandu's Disguise
              08/20/48 # 39 Manuscript Found
              08/23/48 # 40 Douglas Tells Roxor
C00389 08/24/48 # 41 Letter Arrives
              08/25/48 # 42 Roxor's Plans
              08/26/48 # 43 Fraud's Identity
              08/27/48 # 44 Abdullah Stabbed
C00390 08/30/48 # 45 Inquest Planned
              08/31/48 # 46 Douglas Disappears
              09/01/48 # 47 Lost In The Catacombs
              09/02/48 # 48 Chandu's Rescue
C00391 09/03/48 # 49 Roxor Is Alive
              09/06/48 # 50 Chandu Escapes
              09/07/48 # 51 Reaching The Ruins
              09/08/48 # 52 Judy Allen
C00392 09/09/48 # 53 Torture Chamber
              09/10/48 # 54 Story Teller
              09/13/48 # 55 Cairo Restaurant
              09/14/48 # 56 Robert's Ring
C00393 09/15/48 # 57 Arenia The Spider
              09/16/48 # 58 Curse On Betty
              09/17/48 # 59 Ben Ali's House
              09/20/48 # 60 Opening The Letter
C00394 09/21/48 # 61 Sonya Shoots Nadji
              09/22/48 # 62 Betty & Bob Run
              09/23/48 # 63 Arenia Is Shot
              09/24/48 # 64 Message For Nadji
C00395 09/27/48 # 65 Mirror Of Life
              09/28/48 # 66 Roxor Is Killed
              09/29/48 # 67 Exploring The Garden
              09/30/48 # 68 Family Is Reunited
C00396 10/01/48 # 69 Explosion
              10/04/48 # 70 Contacts Dorothy
              10/05/48 # 71 Gardener Recognized
              10/06/48 # 72 Bribery Attempt
C00397 10/07/48 # 73 Secret Meeting
              10/08/48 # 74 Landmark Spotted
              10/11/48 # 75 Map Found
              10/12/48 # 76 Fortune Told
C00398 10/13/48 # 77 Dancing Partner Recognized
              10/14/48 # 78 Meets Dimitri
              10/15/48 # 79 Spell Cast On Bob
              10/18/48 # 80 Gypsy Coming After Betty & Bob
C00399 10/19/48 # 81 Dimitri Asked To Leave
              10/20/48 # 82 Castle Plans Found
              10/21/48 # 83 Warning From Nadji
              10/22/48 # 84 Advice For Nicholas
C00400 10/25/48 # 85 Tells About Plans
              10/26/48 # 86 Spell Cast
              10/27/48 # 87 Nadji Told Of Curse
              10/28/48 # 88 Looking For Dorothy
C00401 10/29/48 # 89 Finding Dorothy's Hat
              11/01/48 # 90 Nicholas Has Disappeared
              11/02/48 # 91 Trying To Escape
              11/03/48 # 92 Thinks Nicholas Is In The Castle
C00402 11/04/48 # 93 Nicholas Found
              11/05/48 # 94 Dwarf Spotted
              11/08/48 # 95 Chandler Admits Real Mission
              11/09/48 # 96 To Go To Schmitar Mountain
C00403 11/10/48 # 97 Call From Paris
              11/11/48 # 98 Threat From Dimitri
              11/12/48 # 99 Stranger Spotted
              11/15/48 #100 Fortune Told
C00404 11/16/48 #101 Chandler Trapped
              11/17/48 #102 Enters Cave
              11/18/48 #103 Learns Estaben's Identity
              11/19/48 #104 Influences Dimitri
C00405 11/22/48 #105 Metso's Killed
              11/23/48 #106 Spell Broken
              11/24/48 #107 Threat From Dwarf
              11/25/48 #108 Nadji Arrives
C00406 11/26/48 #109 Fire
              11/29/48 #110 Chandler Escapes Fire
              11/30/48 #111 Forged Letter
              12/01/48 #112 Nadji Leaves
C00407 12/02/48 #113 Lupu Arrives
              12/03/48 #114 Chandler Discovered
              12/06/48 #115 Reveals Himself As Chandu  (Dropout)
              12/07/48 #116 Kingdom Regained
C00408 12/08/48 #117 Phone Call From Robert
              12/09/48 #118 Lab Emptied
              12/10/48 #119 Gomez Spotted
              12/13/48 #120 Robert Seen In Crystal
C00409 12/14/48 #121 Learns Roxor's Location
              12/15/48 #122 Wants To Enter Village Of The Lost
              12/16/48 #123 Jeff Worried
              12/17/48 #124 Warned About Jeff
C00410 12/20/48 #125 Jeff's New Mission
              12/21/48 #126 House In The Desert
              12/22/48 #127 Saved From Spider
              12/23/48 #128 Jeff Found
C00411 12/24/48 #129 Tries To Contact Robert
              12/27/48 #130 Imposter Found Out
              12/28/48 #131 Robert Found
              12/29/48 #132 Story Told
C00412 12/30/48 #133 Looking For Betty
              12/31/48 #134 Dorothy In Temple
              01/03/49 #135 Talks To Chief
              01/04/49 #136 Fate To Be Decided Soon
C00413 01/05/49 #137 Fails Cobra Test
              01/06/49 #138 Refuses Escape Plan
              01/07/49 #139 Robert Returns
              01/10/49 #140 Truth About Dr. Shaw
C00414 01/11/49 #141 Help From Yogi
              01/12/49 #142 Murderer Revealed
              01/13/49 #143 Dorothy Safe
              01/14/49 #144 Planning Tiger Hunt
C00415 01/17/49 #145 Tiger Killed
              01/18/49 #146 Saves Lao Sing (Faulty)
              01/19/49 #147 In Calcutta
              01/20/49 #148 Dinner Invitation
C00416 01/21/49 #149 Dr. Shaw In Calcutta
              01/24/49 #150 Under Dr. Shaw's Influence
              01/25/49 #151 Impersonates Chandler
              01/26/49 #152 Bob Missing
C00417 01/27/49 #153 Strange Markings
              01/28/49 #154 Frank Returns To India
                 (End Of The 15 Minutes Shows)
30 Minute Programs  (ABC)
C00418 02/03/49 # 1 The Black Steps
              02/10/49 # 2 The Village Of Thieves
C00419 02/17/49 # 3 Man With The Photographic Memory
              02/24/49 # 4 The Brotherhood Of The Blood Oath
C00420 03/03/49 # 5 The Spell Of Dimitri
              03/10/49 # 6 Framed For Drug Smuggling
C00421 03/17/49 # 7 The Temple At Karnak
              03/24/49 # 8 Temple Under The Sea
C00422 03/31/49 # 9 The House Of Fear
              04/14/49 #11 The Voice Of Darkness
C00423 04/21/49 #12 The Ominous Sahara
              04/28/49 #13 The Fog On The Forgotten Valley
C16078 07/26/50 Rocket Sabotage
              08/02/50 Clever Jeff Adams
C16079 08/09/50 Henry the Dress Designer
              08/16/50 Black Market Hi-Jackers